Prime Logistic.
Your logistic support.

More about us

The Prime Logistic company deals with the transport of goods in the European Union and beyond. We are a fast, trustworthy and devoted team. In addition to transport, we also deal with warehouse solutions for your goods.

We are a young company founded in 2018 but we rely on experienced employees who set new goals every day.

Prime Logistic – Especially for you.

Transport in EU countries

Transport in EU countries

We offer transport and logistics solutions covering the area of the European Union, as well as countries not belonging to it.

Cargo and groupage transport

Cargo and groupage transport

We organize transport: standard, truck and two-level / two-story by trucks up to 7.5 t and cars up to 3.5 tons.

Monitoring of each transport

Monitoring of each transport

Each order is monitored by us from the beginning to the very end. We are in constant contact with the client and the driver.